Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thank You Nagi Noda

TOKYOMANGO had a post about 野田凪 (Noda Nagi)'s last music video before her tragic death. I had been putting off watching it, but I finally got around to it today and I'm floored. It's so well done.

The song is precious, sung by MEG, music by 中田ヤスタカ (Nakata Yasutaka), the DJ behind capsule and perfume. The video is directed by the late 野田さん.

Her works feel like Michel Gondry, utilizing amazing tricks that are totally mundane in nature. Another video to check out is Yuki's Sentimental Journey for more of 野田さん's work.

In the MEG video, we have the people in black doing the magic. It blows my mind, because the first time I saw this effect was in 文楽 (bunraku), which is a Japanese puppet theatre where one pupper is operated by 3 people. When I first saw it, I thought it was a real person... and then the camera zoomed in on the puppet.

So this video has it all. Music by 中田ヤスタカ, PV directed by 野田凪, and MEG, of course. Bravo, simple amazing.

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