Monday, September 22, 2008

NicoVideo for Busy People: Part 1

There is an interesting kind of ニコニコ動画 (NicoNicoDouga) called 忙しい人のための... ("... for Busy People"). I find that hilarious since my old Japanese textbook was called Japanese for Busy People. These videos are often songs where they remove lyrics such that the resulting sentences are humorous, or at very least nonsensical, like the text book.

Here are a few of my favorites:

1. 忙しい人のための『粉雪』 - "Konayuki" for Busy People

This one is the best by far. レミオロメン (Remioromen) had this song probably about 2 or 3 years ago. It was everywhere. It's one of my karaoke favs. And the version for busy people is pretty epically brief. (Original version for non-busy people: ニコニコ動画, YouTube)

2. 忙しい人のための男女 - "BoyGirl" for Busy People

男女 for busy people! Very well done, IMHO. (Original version: ニコニコ動画, YouTube (subbed))

3. 死ぬほど忙しい人の為の「ポケモン言えるかな?」 - "PokeRap" for Deathly Busy People

Remember the PokeRap? Well, this is the Japanese version... for busy people of course. Note the title says 死ぬほど忙しい人の為 (shinu hodo isogashii hito no tame), which means you are so busy, you might die! (Original version (at least the audio...): ニコニコ動画, YouTube)

4. 忙しい人のためのにっぽん昔ばなし&にんげんっていいな - "Japanese Fairy Tales" & "It's Great to be a Person" for Busy People

There was a popular show with animated versions of the old Japanese fairy tales, known as 昔話 (mukashibanashi). This is the opening and ending edited. You pretty much should watch the ニコニコ動画 version for the lyrics that people hear. They are too funny. My favorite line: 「人間っておいしいかな?」 ("I wonder if people are yummy?") (Original for comparison... Opening: ニコ動画, YouTube; Ending: ニコ動画, YouTube)

And since I am a busy person as well, I'll do part 2 another time! XD

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