Saturday, August 30, 2008


Are you using rikai-chan? This excellent firefox extension is made by the folk(s) over at I love this program. Basically, you install it, install a dictionary, and then toggle it in firefox. Then, when you mouse over some Japanese, the dictionary will do its best to find the reading and a translation of the word you are mousing over.

Seriously, this program is a life saver for 漢字 (kanji) impaired people like myself. Give it a shot and then go try and read the perfume blog! ;)

Thursday, August 28, 2008


The fabulous trio known as Perfume are starting to leak across the sea...

There is this odd phenomenon where when you don't live in Japan, but are interested in it, it takes a while before something reaches critical mass and starts to leak out to other country's Japanese-speaking populations. perfume archived this a few weeks ago.

perfume (generally not capitalized) is a three girl group from Hiroshima. The members are あ~ちゃん (A~chan), かしゆか (Kashiyuka, sometimes ksyk in ローマ字), and のっち (Nocchi). They struggled for many years, apparently since elementary school, to make hit songs, but until Yasutaka Nakata, a fairly popular DJ, picked them up, they didn't really succeed.

My personal history with perfume started when I saw the IKZOLOGIC video a while back. From that video, I started to get into capsule. Yasutaka Nakata is the DJ for capsule, so when I went looking for more music by him, I ended up hearing a lot of perfume.

But I didn't think much of them. And then they took off and started showing up on TV and now I am on-board... they are a girl group... they don't make their own music, but Yasutaka-san is awesome, so at least it is good music. They are just there to look pretty and dance. All their live performances are lip-synced to allow them to dance in their very unique way.

Funny thing is most people have a favorite. They are made to all look different, mainly with wardrobe and hair styles differing. I must admit that のっち is my favorite. She's the short haired one... (-.-;)

Their blog is here. Sorry, it's in Japanese... for now...

I leave you with their music video/commercial for Pino brand bonbons. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

JLPT Registration

It's that time again! Time to register for the 2008 日本語能力試験 (nihongo nouryoku shiken), aka the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Registration is until September 26 at 5:00 PM (PDT) in the US (And you can register online!). One month left! If you are taking it elsewhere, check out the official site for more info.

I have registered to take level 1 again. I have level 2 already, but level 1 defeated me last year. So, I try again. Maybe if I pass, I can beat out the coming changes that are going to make level 1 even harder.

Also, if you are in the greater Los Angeles area and want to study for 1級 or 2級, gimme a holler in the comments!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


This ニコニコ動画 video is the pinnacle of human evolution. It has since inspired not only the name of this blog, but also my newly re-born love of electronic music in general. The title is "吉幾三×Capsule×DaftPunk×BeastieBoys StarrySky - IKZOLOGIC Remix."

For those without a NicoVideo account, here is the YouTube link. For those who don't get it, you should first get familiar with 吉幾三's song 俺ら東京さ行くだ.

Basically, since April or so of this year, there has been this crazy fad of mixing 俺ら東京さ行くだ in to all sorts of other songs. From the Jackson 5, to the Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop themes, to Nirvana, to Philharmonic Symphony Orchestras.

It's kinda like the Japanese version of mixing Cosby with everything on YTMND.

Anyway, so in the mix I am posting about, they mixed 俺ら東京さ行くだ with capsule, Daft Punk, and the Beastie Boys... It blows my mind clean off my shoulders. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Also, since it is the pinnacle of human achievement, I think we can all pretty much give up since it is all down hill from here until the end of the world in 2012. ;)

Friday, August 22, 2008

I hate this village!

No, this isn't an emo post about living in the country side of Japan. ;) This is a post about the song 俺ら東京行ぐだ (ora tokyo sa igu da) by 吉幾三 (Yoshi Ikuzou).

This song is awesome. Released in 1984, it is about living in this little village with none of the modern amenities of life and wanting to move to Tokyo. It is sung in Tohoku-style language, which gives it this awesome campy feeling. While most people in 1984 thought it was a fun poke at the countryside and it ended up as a big hit, many of the local agricultural villages took offense and protested it.

It was also part of the birth of rap in Japan... as odd as that may sound.

As an American, the song reminds me of Gilligan's Island... you know, "no phones, no lights, no motor cars, not a single luxury." But it also has the Beverly Hillbillies chic with the ideas of raising cows and driving a horse cart through Tokyo. XD

My translation of the lyrics can be found here.

テレビも無ェ ラジオも無ェterebi mo ne rajio mo neNo TV, no radio
自動車もそれほど走って無ェkuruma mo sore hodo hashittenethere aren't even many cars that drive by
ピアノも無ェ バーも無ェpiano mo ne baa mo neno pianos, no bars
巡査 毎日ぐーるぐるomawari mainichi gu-ruguruthe one police car just circles around
朝起ぎで 牛連れでasaogide ushi tsuredeI wake up, take the cow
二時間ちょっとの散歩道nijikan chotto no sampo michiout for a little 2 hour stroll
電話も無ェ 瓦斯も無ェdenwa mo ne gasu mo neno phones no gas
バスは一日一度来るbasu ha ichinichi ichido kuruthe bus only comes once a day

※俺らこんな村いやだ*ora konna mura iya da*I hate this village
俺らこんな村いやだora konna mura iya daI hate this village
東京へ出るだ 東京へ出だならtoukyou e deru da toukyou e dedanaraI'm gonna go to Tokyo Once I get to Tokyo
銭コァ貯めで 東京でベコ(牛)飼うだ※zeniko a tamede toukyou de beko kauda*I'll save my money and raise cows there*

ギターも無ェ ステレオ無ェ gita-mo ne sutereo neno guitars, no stereos
生まれてこのかた 見だごとァ無ェumarete kono kata midagoto a neI've never even seen them in my whole life
喫茶も無ェ 集(つど)いも無ェkissa mo ne tsudoi mo neno coffee shops, no hang-outs
まったぐ若者ァ 俺一人mattagu wakamono a ore hitoriThe only young person is me
婆さんと 爺さんとbaasan to jiisan toGrandma and Grampa
数珠(ジュズ)を握って空拝むjuzu wo nigitte sora ogamujust pray to the sky
薬屋無ェ 映画も無ェkusuriya ne eiga mo neno drug stores, no movies
たまに来るのは 紙芝居tama ni kuru no ha kamishibaisometimes the kamishibai visits

俺らこんな村いやだ 俺らこんな村いやだora konna mura iya da ora konna mura iya daI hate this village, I hate this village
東京へ出るだ 東京へ出だならtokyo e deru da toukyou e deda naraI'm gonna go to Tokyo, Once I get to Tokyo
銭(ゼニ)コァ貯めで 東京で馬車引くだzeniko a tamede toukyou de basha hiku daI'm gonna save my money, and drive a horse cart

ディスコも無ェのぞきも無ェdisuko mo ne nozoki mo nethere's no discos, no peeping toms
レーザー・ディスクは何者だ?re-za- disuku ha nanimono da?Who is "Laser Disc?"
カラオケは あるけれどkaraoke wa aru keredoWe do have karaoke
かける機械を見だごとァ無ェkakeru kikai o midagoto a nebut I've never seen a machine that does it
新聞無ェ 雑誌も無ェshimbun ne zasshi mo neno newspapers, no magazines
たまに来るのは回覧板tamani kuru no wa kairanbansometimes there is that one newsletter
信号無ェ ある訳無ェshingou ne aru wake neno traffic lights, not like there even would be,
俺らの村には電気が無ェora no mura ni wa denki ga nemy village doesn't even have electricity!

俺らこんな村いやだora konna mura iya daI hate this village

俺らこんな村いやだora konna mura iya daI hate this village
東京へ出るだ 東京へ出だならtoukyou e deru da toukyou e deda naraI'm going out to Tokyo, once I get to Tokyo
銭(ゼニ)コァ貯めで 銀座に山買うだzeniko a tamede ginza ni yama kau daI'll save my money, and buy a mountain in Ginza!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Nico Nico Douga

ニコニコ動画 (niconico douga) is often touted as "Japan's YouTube." I dunno how fair/accurate that description is, but here is what it is; it's an online video site that is very popular in Japan.

The first thing that make ニコニコ動画 stand out is its unique comment system. Rather than putting comments at the bottom of the video, what you write is immediately put over the video anonymously at whatever timestamp you happen to be watching at the moment.

What this leads to is every video being covered up in everyone's comments. Popular videos end up with so many comments, it is sometimes hard to see what is going on in the video! I have to admit that at first, it was really distracting. But once you start getting into it, it's almost like watching a video with friends who are commenting in real time. What you get is an amazing feeling of community.

And that's the other thing that makes ニコニコ動画 so amazing. The community, which is pretty much all anonymous in nature, is much akin to the sort of people you might find on fark or YTMND. Culture is happening en mass. It's brilliant.

The reason I even mention the site is that I watch it pretty maniacally. I've even been called a ニコ厨 (nicochu) at work. If you are going to read this blog, you are going to get a lot of links to ニコ動画. Thus, you need an account!

If you speak Japanese, just hop on over. If not, Tokyotronic walks you through the registration process.

If you are having second thoughts, let me assure you... someday, you will thank me for it. XD

Shin Yamato Damacy: Ep. 1

My excellent friend Luka has started Shin Yamato Damacy, which you could say is a spin off of Yamato Damacy. In their first episode, they ask people (I think around Maebashi station XD) who they would want to be.

I can't believe Doraemon lost to Kitajima.

See also my response:

Yamato Damacy

If you know anything about me, you know that I lived in Japan for 3 years and that I made a series of videos while I was there with my friends Rahman and Luka.

The name comes from 大和魂 (yamato damashii), which is a phase roughly translated as Japanese Spirit, and is generally a nationalistic phrase. You'd never hear a gaijin saying it... which is why we used that name. It goes along with the suprise everyone had at us foreigners speaking Japanese.

It was a lot of fun. And people seemed to like it. But since I haven't been able to do anything nearly as big, it makes me feel like a total internet famous has been. ><; The best episodes are as follows: Episode 9: Setsubun

This episode was the BEST. Dressed up as an 鬼 (oni), I ran out of a phone booth to scare people.

Episode 3: Karaoke

This episode was funny just for the end, if nothing else.

Episode 10: Vanity Project

On the whole, we usually would just do interview videos. But in this one, we were fed up showing others, and just made a short film featuring us. It turned out okay, but people really seemed to like it.

Episode 29: Vanity Project 2

This episode was the prequel to Episode 10. The editing and cheesy dialogue make this a classic.

You can see all the episodes on YouTube:

You can also check out the Revecess Wiki entry for even more info.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Post!

Hello all, this is Jeshii. Welcome to the new Yamatologic blog.

Here will lie random pieces of Japan that I need to share with the English speaking world.

If you are looking for the opposite, my musings in Japanese, please go visit my Ameblo.

In any case, stay tuned...