Tuesday, August 26, 2008

JLPT Registration

It's that time again! Time to register for the 2008 日本語能力試験 (nihongo nouryoku shiken), aka the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Registration is until September 26 at 5:00 PM (PDT) in the US (And you can register online!). One month left! If you are taking it elsewhere, check out the official site for more info.

I have registered to take level 1 again. I have level 2 already, but level 1 defeated me last year. So, I try again. Maybe if I pass, I can beat out the coming changes that are going to make level 1 even harder.

Also, if you are in the greater Los Angeles area and want to study for 1級 or 2級, gimme a holler in the comments!

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